# enable bundleminizip for Fedora > 39 due to switch to minizip-ng # This can be revisited once we upgrade to Python 3 # Fedora's Python 2 stack is being removed, we use the bundled Python libraries
# which is not compatible with the current code in the Fedora package as of # The libxml_utils code depends on the specific bundled libxml checkout # because the library's interface relies on libstdc++'s std::string and std::vector. # system libre2.so is not supported with use_custom_libcxx=true # This is left here to ease the change if that ever switches. # Chromium's fork of ICU is now something we can't unbundle. # enable qt backend for el >= 8 and fedora
# enable|disable control flow integrity support Blob Blame History Raw %define _lto_cflags %/.*\\.so.*)$